Project: Fulham Football Club, Riverside Stadium


This exciting project involved us collaborating with our client to address and resolve the ongoing challenges posed by the significant bird issues at Fulham Football Stadium.

We were called in to provide solutions to prevent pigeons from entering the 6th-floor roof void through the light apertures in the stadium soffit. Although the gaps around the light fixtures were less than 200mm they still provided ample space for the birds to enter.

We also anticipated that the pigeons would seek other areas to roost once deterred from the roof voids. During a site survey, we identified the adjoining plant compound as the most likely relocation area. At this point, we agreed with the client that it would be more effective to install additional deterrents in the stadium’s plant compound to safeguard the area before an infestation could develop.


The bird fouling and associated debris were treated with a biocide before, during, and after its removal to ensure all harmful viruses were neutralised, guaranteeing the safety of both the removal team and stadium occupants.

We decided to supply and install our 166mm Pigeon Spikes on the four vertical sides forming the apertures. This reduced the gaps from 200mm to below 50mm, effectively blocking the entry points without causing harm to the birds.

To prevent the birds from settling within the plant compound, a robust Netting System was installed across the top of the compound and encase the area.

We installed our 50mm knotted Pigeon Netting and associated fixings to the plant compound area so that it would fully encase and protect it from any bird activity.

Access Strategy:

Due to the height of the stadium roof and the light apertures, ensuring our team had safe access for the installation was essential. One of the safest ways to provide access was by using Fall Restraint Lanyards, which allowed our team to reach the installation area securely.


Team Comment:

We've had the privilege of partnering directly with many of our clients on numerous stadium projects across the UK, aiding them in eliminating various bird control challenges and ensuring the safety of entertainment areas for their fans. Whatever issue you're facing, trust that we have a proven solution to help you. 

Don't just take our word for it; explore our previous case studies to discover how we can support you further.

Published 12th June 2024

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